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Government Services

Government Agencies and Areas We Cover

Renew Cleaning and Restoration assists government agencies with decontamination and cleanup of biohazards.

Renew Cleaning and Restoration is happy to provide the following services:

  • Cleanup of: 
    • Holding Cells and Jail Cells
    • Roadways
  • Decontamination of:
    • Lockers and Drying Cabinets
    • Evidence Room
    • Emergency Vehicles
    • Equipment
  • Removal and disposal of biohazard materials and bins
  • Disinfecting Police Vehicles

Bodily Fluids

Ambulances and other emergency vehicles are literal carriers of individuals in severe circumstances that leave behind bodily fluids, including blood, and contagious pathogens. When hazardous materials contaminate a vehicle it’s important to call professionals to decontaminate, so it is safe for future use and transportation of individuals and materials.

Holding cells can also contain biohazards, from drunk individuals vomiting or urinating to blood being present in the cell, causing contamination.

Biohazard Bins

Renew Cleaning and Restoration can pick up bins for biohazards and sharp objects on a scheduled basis for your agency. We will safely dispose of it and adhere to the proper federal guidelines for pickup and disposal. 

Evidence Rooms

Cross-contamination is something law enforcement officials obviously want to avoid. So evidence lockers and drying cabinets in police stations or labs must be regularly cleaned and decontaminated. 

Holding cells can also contain biohazards, from drunk individuals vomiting or urinating to blood being present in the cell, causing contamination.


Accidents on the roadway can lead to a severe situation. Whether it’s blood or bodily fluids from individuals involved or debris from vehicle collisions. This needs to be taken care of quickly to make sure the public is safe and impacted as little as possible. We’re available any day at any time for these situations.

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